Now don’t get me wrong I truly like the album, for the most part it is good solid music, however; I can’t shake the feeling I would love it more if I had never heard his previous music. When compared to his earlier works with Bush the music is missing a certain spark to it. It’s not only the music that falls short for me, most the lyrics are missing that certain bad boy, paranoid tinge to them. I do realize one thing though, people change, especially as they age and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. With that said I do enjoy the album and would highly recommend it, especially to people who are not familiar with his earlier work.
There are a few tracks that stick out to me:
Love remains the same- an absolutely heartfelt, raw emotional love song.
This Place is on fire-has an experimental vibe to it.
Beauty in the Beast-very catchy and well written.
This is happiness-has a edgy quality to it and reminds me of his work with Bush.
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